The Key to eCommerce Success? Frictionless Checkout

The rise of eCommerce has transformed the way customers shop for parts and accessories, offering unparalleled convenience and selection with a few clicks. 

However, the online shopping experience is not without its pain points. One of the biggest hurdles that can derail a sale is checkout friction, which is defined as any unnecessary steps or complications finalizing a customer’s purchase. Customers want an easy experience; shopping for the parts and accessories they need shouldn’t be a chore. 

Reducing friction at checkout is integral to your parts site success. An overly complicated or cumbersome checkout experience is one of the leading causes of cart abandonment. Surveyed shoppers cited the following: 

So what does a frictionless checkout look like? At its core, the ideal checkout experience is fast, intuitive, and requires minimal effort from the customer. Key elements include: 

  • Free shipping: 48% of shoppers cite extra costs (like shipping) as the most common reason for Cart Abandonment. Here are a few more tips on offering free shipping. 
  • Mobile optimization: A seamless, thumb-friendly experience for checkout on mobile helps customers locate and select products quickly. 
  • Progress tracking: Make it clear to customers exactly where they are in the multi-step process—and how close they are to finish line, so they see their purchase through. 
  • Simplified form design: Only ask for the bare minimum of information needed to complete the order. Customers crave speed and convenience when it comes to checkout. 
  • Payment integration options: Support all major credit cards, digital wallets, buy now/pay later options so that customers can choose how they want to pay. 

Read all about digital wallets here 

The benefits of optimizing for frictionless checkout go beyond just reducing abandonment. It creates a better overall customer experience, increasing satisfaction and loyalty. Easy checkout also facilitates more impulse purchases by removing barriers to quickly completing a transaction. If a customer is happy with their checkout experience, they’re more likely to return to your site. 

Read all about the digital buyer journey 

While many eCommerce innovations revolve around flashy front-end experiences or personalization, nailing the fundamentals of fast, simple checkout is a low-hanging fruit that captures more revenue. Don't let the final obstacle of a poor checkout experience stand in the way of customer conversion. 

Checkout on the SimplePart platform 

SimplePart's eCommerce platform has built-in features to enable a truly frictionless checkout experience, so you can leave the optimization to us. 

Checkout forms have just the essential fields with pickup options, pricing and fees clearly displayed. The mobile-optimized checkout process provides a native feel on any device with seamless integrations for digital wallets, BNPL options and several payment providers. 

With a relentless focus on reducing unnecessary steps, SimplePart delivers a lightning-fast path to purchase that maximizes conversion. 

Read all about BNPL options on the SimplePart platform

The Buy Now button 

Designed to create a more streamlined user experience, the optional Buy Now feature is now available to be enabled on SimplePart websites. This feature allows the consumer to fast-track their buying process so that they get to checkout even sooner with fewer clicks, which makes converting a sale more likely. In fact, the Baymard Institute states that buy now buttons could increase conversions by 35%. 

Add the Buy Now feature 

Got questions? 

Got questions about how to optimize your checkout page? We’ve got the answers. You can schedule a session with our industry expert dealer strategists or reach out to our Client Services (CSC) team at or 1(888) 843-0425.