Lexus is excited to offer Direct Fulfillment to Lexus dealers currently enrolled in our national eCommerce program through SimplePart. Dealers who choose to enroll in Direct Fulfillment will have the option to select all or a portion of parts on an order for fulfillment from one of three Parts Distribution Centers (PDCs) supporting this program.
The Direct Fulfillment Program allows dealers to leverage the expertise and efficiencies of order fulfillment by TMNA PDC Operations, eliminate double handling of parts and accessories orders, relieve dealer operational and staffing concerns/costs as dealer eCommerce business increases and improve dealer profitability.
Direct Fulfillment Program Details
- $2.50 per order (not part) for each order selected for Direct Fulfillment
- Order eligibility is based on part number restrictions
- Dealers will still need to ship some orders as only about 40 - 60% of parts ordered are eligible for Direct Fulfillment
- Certain parts are excluded from Direct Fulfillment
- Hazmat
- Large and/or Heavy
- High Damage
- Quantity Unit Pack (QUP) Multiples
Dealers will be billed monthly on the parts statement for:
- $2.50 per order handling fee; this fee is not reimbursable by Lexus
- Actual freight costs to ship orders by Direct Fulfillment; this cost is reimbursable to dealers under the terms of Lexus’ Complimentary Shipping policy.
Dealer Next Steps to Enable Direct Fulfillment?
Review the following for more information about Direct Fulfillment:
- Email your home state resale certificate (Note: Lexus/TMS should be listed as the ‘seller’ and dealership is the ‘purchaser’) to and request a LPCO Direct Fulfillment dealer agreement.
- Return the signed agreement by email
- Complete dealer direct fulfillment training with SimplePart (scheduled after direct fulfillment is activated by the Dealer Daily Open Access/DDOA team and enabled by SimplePart)
Please contact your DSPM if you have questions on this key tool to grow your eCommerce business.
Thank you for your engagement in the eCommerce parts program and engaging with your guests in the space they want you to be.
For interested dealers not currently enrolled in the national eCommerce program, contact SimplePart at (888)843-0425 or for more information.